
Getting to grips with: Latte Art
Although not the be all and end all, a good sign of a competent barista is their latte art. Brighton is home to some incredible baristas, and through the various latte art competitions that take place over the year, they are able to meet up and show what they’ve got. The upcoming Brighton Coffee Festival, taking place on 11th August ...

Storing coffee at home
If you work in coffee, some of the of the most common questions you’ll be asked are about how to store coffee. How long does it last? Should I put it in the fridge? Can I freeze it? How should I store it? As with most subjects related to coffee, there are many different schools of thought around the issue, ...

Brighton Coffee Festival 2019: What To Expect
The month of August in the Brighton calendar is filled with festival activity, endless days on the beach and celebrations galore. From the fun of Brighton Pride to the beaches packed with those tanning in the summer sun, to the tourist attractions buzzing with visitors looking to soak up the spirit of Brighton; the city is alive. However, 2019 will ...

Coffee Community: The Plant Room
From the food to the design, The Plant Room is a celebration of all things plant-based. We wanted to find out the inspiration behind this, so talked to the owners, managers, and chefs across the many stores in order to delve a little deeper into The Plant Room’s philosophy. The link between a cafe and its food is clear, with ...

Coffee sustainability: Sussex Uni to host interactive event
Brighton is, pound for pound, the biggest coffee-drinking city in England. As coffee lovers we demand the best from the little bean but, in a city as green as ours, is there enough of a focus on the sustainability of the industry? While it has been widely accepted that the business of coffee is not sustainable as it stands in ...

The Filter Debate
What makes the perfect filter coffee? The taste? The ceremony? The speed? The smell? Or does it simply come down to your trust in a machine or a barista? We put the argument to two of Brighton's best baristas to see what they had to say on the matter... THE BATCH BREWJacob Rubio, Bond St CoffeeBatch brew is becoming increasingly ...

Coffee Community: Zephir Thomas
Pelicano has been a mainstay of Sydney Street for a number of years now, but have only recently moved their roasting operation to the site. We spoke to the owner Zephir about how he and his wife, Sol, ended up back in Brighton and why they decided to open a coffee house and roastery. One of the reasons The Independent ...

Water Filtration in Coffee
Words by Lawrence Goozee In my mind, the most neglected aspect regarding the taste of coffee is water. It is, behind the origin, the most significant influencer on taste, rivalled only by the roast. When home brewing, this explains why all too often your home filter may taste flat and dull, compared to when it was vibrant, acidic and exciting ...

Interview: Girls Who Grind Coffee
Equality in the coffee industry is an often-overlooked subject. Across the globe the subject is a hot topic – from the comments heard almost daily by a certain POTUS, to the #MeToo campaign that is helping to expose abuse and open up debate surrounding harassment, to the continual pay-gap between sexes – and it is high time for the debate ...

Bloom Drop In and The Real Junk Food Cafe
The speciality coffee sector is beginning to develop a problem; there is a shortage of staff and it seems to be getting worse, with understaffed coffee houses becoming the norm. There are also a large number of unemployed young people who would do anything for one of these jobs. It should be a match made in heaven, but unfortunately there’s ...

Interview with Ben Szobody
He’s covered presidential campaigns in America, helped create the World Atlas of Coffee, and now he is developing the next generation of highly-skilled baristas in Brighton, meet Ben Szobody. Who is Ben Szobody? I’m a former journalist with a drawl — an American who jumped the pond and found a way to turn some of my favourite things, like coffee, ...